MV R&R is a one-stop shop for your old military hardware.

At Military Vehicle Repair and Restoration you can expect high quality workmanship to get your historic military vehicle rolling once again, no matter what nationality or vintage it may be.

Let us return your "old iron" to its former glory.

With our competitive shop rates you will save money on your restoration. Compare our rates with others and you will see. Contact us today to get your project started.

At MV R&R:
"No project is to big or small, we can handle it all"
This is our showcase vehicle. It is a 1943 Autocar M3 half-track known as "Princess". On the left is how "Princess" appeared when I found "her" searching the web one night for an MB Jeep to restore. On the right is how she appears now after a full restoration.
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Copyright © 2010, Military Vehicle Repair & Restoration, Inc. Albion, Indiana
All rights reserved
M26 towing M4
M15A1 Tailer for M26
M26 "Dragon Wagon"
M46 Patton Heavy Tank
M3A1 Half-track 
M3A1 Scout Car
M3 Scout Car
M1E2 Combat Car
Willys MA Jeep
M2A1 Medium Tank
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